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Tyres and Safety: Things that you need to know for safe driving

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Driving on the road and beings safe are often two things that most motorists won’t put together. Cars and tyres go hand in hand when we talk about safety.

How do tyres play a role in safety?

Simply put, car tyres affect performance on road greatly. Apart from that car tyres help you to stay on road, don’t let you feel bumps and much more.

However, the most enduring reason why tyres are important for safety is that they affect your car’s handling abilities. Incorrect tyres or worn-out tyres will not be easy to drive, ever. Furthermore, it also leads to damages to your wheels, which can turn into something quite frustrating.

How to maintain tyre safety while driving?

Before getting into how to maintain your Tyres Blackley, here is something that you need to know:

· Tyres safety is important. Most motorists do not give it enough credit, which can make driving a difficult task.

· Your driving habits affect your car and tyres. If you’re a rash driver and tend to hit curbs, your car will suffer. So will your car’s tyres.

· Simple maintenance can help you out. Be it car maintenance or tyre maintenance, in both regards little steps go a long way.

· Driving your car with worn-down tyres or tyres that are not fit opens the possibility of a blowout.

With these points in mind, remember that it does not require a lot of time of your day to maintain your car and its tyres. Make it a habit since you start driving. Clean your car and the tyres, especially the grooves.

Tyres Safety tips: Things every car owner should know

There are some standard things that every car owner must remember and keep in mind. When it comes to keeping tyres healthy and safe, there’s much to do. And here is a list of things to keep in mind for tyre safety:

Tyre treads: The Depth Matters

The grooves in your car tyres are the tread depths. The standard depth for tyres is 1.6mm. However, if you end up using your vehicle more often, and drive these tyres for longer, the tread depth could reduce.

In general tread depth reduces over time due to wearing down. Regular wearing down of your tyres is normal. But with time, the tread depth will decrease. You should remember to not make use of your tyres when the tread depth becomes lesser.

Tyres condition: The lesser thought aspect

Perhaps one of the most underrated aspects of a tyre is its overall condition. As you use your car, your tyres will go through a lot. Sometimes you will hit curbs, potholes and much more. All this tends to leave your tyres damaged.

However, remember the damage won’t be extensive unless you hit something with severity. The small damages, if these are not looked after properly, will lead to bigger problems.

Make it a point to check the overall condition of your Michelin Tyres Blackley, or whichever brand you own. If you’re not sure yourself, take your car to tyre servicing, that always helps.

Tyre pressure: The crucial element

One of the most important things is tyre pressure. Maintain tyre pressure as required by your car. The car manual and service providers will help you know what is the appropriate tyre pressure.

Bottom Line: Keep a spare tyre

With the above-mentioned points in mind, remember to keep a spare tyre with you, always. The real reason for this is that, should something go wrong with one of your tyres, the spare tyre will help you out. Remember to match it with the brand though. If you use Michelin Tyres Blackley, keep a Michelin spare.